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Use of xenon lamp aging test chamber

Date: Feb 17,2023 Views: 155

After the production and manufacturing of industrial products, funds should be invested in the outdoor natural environment to apply, which is inevitable that the products will suffer from the infringement of light and morning dew, which is also the key reason for the aging of products.

At the very beginning of the production of the product, the test material can be placed in the xenon lamp aging test chamber, which can emulate the damage caused by the sun, precipitation and dew. The xenon lamp can emulate the effect of sunlight, and the cold body moisture can emulate the precipitation and dew. The test material can be placed in the cyclic system process of light and moisture replacement at a certain temperature. The actual aging effect of materials in a few days or days is basically equivalent to the actual aging effect of outdoor months or even years. The data information of human accelerated aging experiment can help select new materials, update and transform current materials, and evaluate how the change of secret formula harms the performance of products.

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