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VOC Determination of VOC Environmental Chamber in Wood Coatings

Date: Apr 07,2022 Views: 304

Many wood products will be treated with paint before leaving the factory, but whether the VOC of these paints meets the national standard needs to be tested in the VOC environment chamber. Next, let's take a look at how wood coatings are tested in the voc environmental chamber.


VOC determination method of voc environmental chamber in paint:

Test Product: Wood Coatings

Test equipment: VOC environmental chamber

Equipment manufacturer: Huanyi Instrument

Test standard: HJ/T 414-2007


Testing method:


Test principle: The sample is tested by gas chromatography. If no organic compound with a boiling point greater than 250°C is detected, the tested volatile matter value is the VOC content of the product. If it is found to contain organic compounds with a boiling point greater than 250°C, qualitative and quantitative tests shall be carried out for the organic compounds with a boiling point greater than 250°C in the sample and the paint film after testing the volatile matter. And calculate the content (Cv) of organic compounds with a boiling point greater than 250°C in the volatile matter, and deduct this amount (Cv) from the volatile matter (V) to obtain the VOC content of the product.


Test steps:

1. Determination of volatile matter: test according to the formula of voc=v*p*1000

2. Gas chromatography analysis

3. Qualitative analysis of the product

4. Calibration

5. Calculate the VOC content of the product


The above is the VOC determination method of the VOC environment chamber in the paint. For the specific parameters of the VOC environment chamber, see the next article.

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