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What are the characteristics of the double-wing drop test machine

Date: Aug 20,2021 Views: 366

The double-wing drop test machine is mainly used to detect the impact of the package during the actual transportation, loading and unloading process, and to detect the impact resistance of the package during the transportation process and the rationality of the packaging design. What are the characteristics of the double-wing drop test machine?


1. The double-wing drop test machine can perform free drop test on the surface, corner and edge of the package. It is equipped with a digital height display and translator for height tracking, which can provide the product drop height correctly, and the error of the preset drop height is not more than 10mm .


2. It adopts single-arm and double-column structure, with electric reset, electric control falling and electric lifting devices. The double-wing drop test machine is easy to use, and its hydraulic buffer device greatly improves the mechanical life, stability and safety.


3. The single-arm setting makes the product placement more convenient, and the angle error between the impact surface of the drop angle and the plane of the bottom plate is less than 5 degrees.

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