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What are the functions of the constant acceleration rotary arm centrifuge?

Date: May 04,2022 Views: 210

The constant acceleration rotary arm centrifuge is a very important test equipment used in the constant acceleration test. The constant temperature acceleration test is an important test item in the reliability test. The sand burial method and the magnetic sticker method have been widely used as two important methods of this test item.


The type of centrifuge commonly used in constant acceleration tests is generally HYZB series rotary arm 

centrifuge, which is an effective means to check defects such as electronic component chips and bonding, and has been widely used. There are many kinds of test methods, including sand burying method and magnetic sticking method.


1. The sand burial method has the advantages of a large number of devices in one test and convenient orientation. It has little effect on devices with small acceleration. When the acceleration is large, it will have a greater impact on it, even destructive.


2. The effect of the magnetic sticker method on the device is relatively small, but it has certain requirements for the shape and placement of the device.


The above are some explanations of the constant acceleration rotary arm centrifuge. For more relevant information, you can visit the official website of "Huanyi Instrument" and consult relevant technical personnel.

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