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You are here: Home > Technical Literature > What causes the low evaporation temperature of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber

What causes the low evaporation temperature of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber

Date: Nov 12,2021 Views: 300

1. Insufficient refrigerant in the refrigeration system of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber.


2. There is too much cooling water in the water cooling system and too little amount of refrigerant. Therefore, the flow of cooling water and refrigerant must be adjusted.


3. The solenoid valve does not work, or the related valve is not opened.


4. The refrigeration system of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber is blocked by dirt, especially the Freon system, because the dirt will block the drying filter and the thin pipes, the system will contain water, and the expansion valve will be blocked by ice.


5. The area of the evaporator does not match the cooling capacity of the compressor, that is, the evaporation area of the evaporator is too small.


6. The opening of the load regulation switch is not enough, and the cooling capacity of the refrigeration equipment is greater than the required heat load. When the evaporation temperature of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber is too low, find out the reason and adjust the unit to run to a reasonable state.


7. Frosting or freezing on the surface of the evaporative cooler increases the heat transfer resistance, affects the heat transfer effect, and gradually reduces the evaporation temperature, thereby reducing the evaporation pressure.


8. When the throttle opening is too small, the amount of refrigerant flowing into the evaporator is insufficient, and the refrigerant vapor in most of the evaporator space is overheated, resulting in a decrease in cooling capacity and evaporation pressure.

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