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What is the purpose of the salt spray test?

Date: Oct 15,2020 Views: 468

The salt spray test in the salt spray test chamber is an important means to assess the salt spray corrosion resistance of products or materials. The scientificity and rationality of the test results are very important. There are many reasons that affect the stability and consistency of the salt spray test results. Therefore, to improve the effectiveness of the salt spray test results, it is necessary to improve the test technology. Therefore, test personnel not only need to have solid professional knowledge and expertise, but also have a wealth of practical experience and a comprehensive understanding of the product. To understand the salt spray test of the salt spray test chamber from chemical and environmental engineering, materials, structure and technology, etc., to scientifically and reasonably express the test results, and to better select product materials, structure design, process selection, product transportation and storage And use to provide effective information to improve the salt spray corrosion resistance of products or materials.

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