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You are here: Home > Common Problem > What is the refrigeration system and principle of the thermal shock test chamber?

What is the refrigeration system and principle of the thermal shock test chamber?

The components of the refrigeration system of the thermal shock test chamber of the huanyi instrument are: compressor, condenser, throttling mechanism, evaporator, and oil separator.


1. Compressor: It mainly compresses the low-temperature and low-pressure gas refrigerant into a high-temperature and high-pressure gas refrigerant.

2. Condenser: Its function is to condense high temperature and high pressure gas refrigerant into normal temperature and high pressure liquid refrigerant.

3. Throttle mechanism (capillary tube or expansion valve): convert the liquid refrigerant at normal temperature and high pressure into a gas-liquid mixture at low temperature and low pressure through flow restriction.

4. Evaporator: Using the principle of evaporation and heat absorption, the refrigerant from the throttling mechanism is converted into a low-temperature and low-pressure gas refrigerant, which is returned to the compressor.

5. Oil Separator: Attached to the protective accessories, the lubricating oil in the separated refrigerant is directly sent back to the compressor to ensure the amount of lubricating oil when the compressor is running. Do not allow lubricating oil to enter the condenser and evaporator, which will affect the heat exchange effect.


Refrigeration principle of thermal shock test chamber

After understanding the function of the main refrigeration accessories of the thermal shock test chamber, the following will enter the refrigeration principle link. The refrigeration cycle of the thermal shock test chamber adopts the reverse karyo cycle, which consists of two isothermal processes and two adiabatic processes.


The process is as follows: the refrigerant is compressed adiabatically by the compressor to a higher pressure, which consumes work to increase the exhaust temperature, and then the refrigerant exchanges heat with the surrounding medium isothermally through the condenser, and transfers heat to the surrounding medium. After the refrigerant expands adiabatically through the valve to do work, the temperature of the refrigerant decreases.


After the refrigerant absorbs heat from the higher temperature object through the evaporator, the temperature of the cooled object is lowered. This cycle is repeated to achieve the purpose of cooling.

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