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You are here: Home > Technical Literature > When the temperature and humidity controller of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber shows abnormal temperature conditions

When the temperature and humidity controller of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber shows abnormal temperature conditions

Date: Mar 01,2021 Views: 377

1. Please check whether the over-temperature protector on temperature and humidity test chamber the control panel is set at 150,


2. Please check whether the circulating motor in the machine room is damaged or not running.


3. Please check whether the solid state relay of the temperature part is burnt and short-circuited. If the heater is not burned out, please use the AC voltage range of the three-meter electric meter to make temperature and humidity test chamber. The voltage range is opened to the position of 600 volts, and the red and black rods are respectively placed on the solid state relay with the wire number marked as T. On the other hand, set the temperature setting value of the humidity part to 0°C. At this time, the indicator light of the solid-state relay in the temperature part will not light up. If the measured voltage value does not change, temperature and humidity test chamber if the measured voltage is maintained below 10V, it means that the solid-state relay is burnt and presents a short-circuit state.

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