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Which industries need to use xenon lamp aging test chamber

Date: Jul 07,2020 Views: 543

The Huanyi’s xenon lamp aging test chamber is a xenon arc lamp, which simulates the ultraviolet rays, visible light and infrared rays in the natural climate to use light to age the goods, and then quickly calculate whether the equipment is resistant to light. It is mainly suitable for manufacturing industries such as car and motorcycle, building decoration materials, textile products, furniture and leather products.

1) Cars and motorcycles: all are placed outdoors, so the box on the car must be tested for light, to see if the material of the box is aging and painted under long-term light.

2) Building decoration materials: can be divided into construction raw materials, building decoration materials and some special raw materials. The raw materials for long-term exposure must be tested by the xenon lamp aging test chamber for the compressive strength of light resistance.

3) Textile products: like clothes, pants, and curtain fabrics in the home, light experiments must be carried out to check whether they will fade after a long period of application.

4) Furniture leather products: furniture must not only do light experiment, but also must do temperature and humidity experiment to distinguish whether the fabric sofa will peel. The xenon lamp aging test chamber can not only have the effect of light, but also have the effect of rain and essence, so it can produce other experiments for you.

Huanyi Industry (Hong Kong) Limited

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