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Why is the thermal vacuum test equipment used for the test?

Date: Dec 14,2022 Views: 163

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Thermal vacuum test equipment is mainly used for ground simulation test equipment to verify or check the ability of spacecraft to withstand space environment (vacuum, cold black and thermal radiation). Why do we need to use thermal vacuum test equipment to do such a simulation test? Its main purposes are as follows:


1. Certified thermal vacuum test.


To verify the working ability of the spacecraft under the specified test pressure and the certified thermal cycle stress environment, and to check whether the working performance indexes of the subsystems on the spacecraft meet the design requirements under various working modes in orbit.


2. Quasi-identification-grade thermal vacuum test.


Verify whether the performance indexes of each subsystem of the first spacecraft meet the requirements under various working modes in orbit, and expose the potential quality defects that may be introduced in components, materials, processes and manufacturing under the specified test pressure and quasi-certified thermal cycle stress environment.




3. Acceptance level thermal vacuum test.


Verify whether the performance indexes of each subsystem of the spacecraft meet the requirements under various working modes in orbit, and expose the potential quality defects that may be introduced in components, materials, processes and manufacturing under the specified test pressure and acceptance level thermal cycle stress environment.


In general, the thermal vacuum test of spacecraft can verify the potential defects of the product. We find the defects of the product in the test, and then improve the product to meet the design requirements.


When we do the thermal vacuum test, we should select the thermal vacuum test equipment suitable for our test requirements. The following is the product parameters of the thermal vacuum test equipment for your reference when selecting the type.

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