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You are here: Home > Technical Literature > Do you know the requirements of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber for wet bulb gauze?

Do you know the requirements of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber for wet bulb gauze?

Date: Jan 11,2022 Views: 284

1. The relative humidity reading of the test chamber is based on the difference in temperature and humidity, and strictly speaking, it is also related to the local atmospheric pressure and wind speed at that time. This is directly and closely related to the quality of the gauze.


  2. Relevant specifications stipulate that the wet bulb gauze must be a special "wet bulb gauze" woven from flax, otherwise it is difficult to ensure the accuracy of the wet bulb thermometer, that is, the accuracy of humidity. Only in this way can the accuracy of the humidity be guaranteed.


3. The position of the wet bulb gauze in the constant temperature and humidity test chamber is also clearly defined: the length of the gauze is 100mm, tightly wound on the sensor probe, the probe is 25-30mm away from the humidity water cup, and the gauze is immersed in the water cup. The wet bulb temperature indication is related to the water absorption of the gauze and the degree of surface evaporation.

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