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Can the humidity of the constant temperature and humidity chamber rise? The humidity is not up to?

Date: Oct 12,2020 Views: 405

Many customers are responding to the constant temperature and humidity test chamber in the process of using, always the temperature does not go up, there are many reasons for this, today I will come to talk with everyone about the temperature of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber does not go up the reason.


    If the temperature of the heating barrel of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber does not go up, first check whether there is water in the test chamber. Generally, there will be an alarm if there is no water. Check whether the over-temperature protection switch of the humidifying barrel is adjusted to between 150 degrees and 200 degrees. The over-temperature alarm is usually caused by the lack of water in the humidifying barrel. When the new machine is running, you can set the temperature to 23 and the humidity to 20%. Run the pump for 5 minutes and fill the humidifying barrel with water. At this time, you need to observe whether the pump can pump water and check Various water levels.


    1. The power input of the humidifier of the constant temperature and humidity machine: if there is no power or the humidifier is broken, there is no possibility of humidity change; check whether the heating tube of the humidifier is intact, check whether the input and output terminals of the solid state relay can be controlled, and whether the instrument has Output.


    2. Is there any gauze wrapped on the sensor? Check whether the humidity cloth is hung on the sensor under the correct position. Put the gauze in a humidity sink with water to ensure that the gauze is wet. Hold the sensor with your hand to see if there is a value on the meter If there is no change, the sensor is broken. In this case, the humidity will not be displayed;


    3. The power problem of the humidifier: If the size of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber is large and the power of the humidifier is small, it will cause the humidifier to humidify significantly slowly, and there may be no obvious performance;


    4. If the meter is broken, there will be no humidity.

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