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Operating steps of tensile testing machine

Date: Oct 10,2020 Views: 403

Let us first solve the principle of the tensile testing machine: the tensile test (stress-strain test) is generally to clamp the two ends of the material sample on two clamps separated by a certain distance, and the two clamps are separated and stretched at a certain speed. Sample, measure the stress change on the sample until the sample breaks.


When using the tensile testing machine, the user should carefully read the technical manual, be familiar with the technical indicators, work performance, usage methods, and matters needing attention, and strictly follow the prescribed steps in the instrument manual.


1. Before starting the machine, adjust the tensile testing machine horizontally to make it level (adjust when installing the machine or moving the machine);

2. Confirm whether the power supply meets the specified requirements; the control and display system of the electronic tensile testing machine are all precision electronic components, and the power supply should be independent as much as possible to prevent external interference.

3. Turn on the "General Power" switch, and the instrument is now in a power-on state.

4. Before the test, confirm whether the power cord and signal line are normal, and turn on the machine in the order of the instruction: testing machinecomputerprinter.

5. Turn on the computer, first enter the program and then turn on the system, printer, etc. with power supply, and complete the input of the required data according to the software instructions. After the input is completed, the standby is ready to receive the test value and display the test value or record the test data.

6. According to the test conditions of the test piece, select the appropriate fixture device and adjust the upper and lower stroke setting ring to the required range upper and lower limit positions, so that the lower fixture will stop when the limit switch is touched after reaching this range.

7. Install the test fixture, and select the fixture according to the sample condition. If it has been installed on the testing machine, check the fixture directly.

8. Correctly install the test piece: measure and record the size of the test piece and calculate the cross-sectional area. After the test piece is clamped in the upper clamp, the computer activates the down or up button to lift the upper and lower clamps of the Zhonglian board to the appropriate clamping position to clamp the test piece.

9. Open the proprietary software of the tensile machine and adjust the device

10. Set the device before the test, then select the sample data, and then modify it.

11. Click on the control plan to select, and then modify it, to select the appropriate control plan, enter the test speed, etc.

12. Clamp the sample, clamp the sample close to the force sensor, clear and eliminate the force, and then clamp the other end of the sample.

13. Start the test (the control system will start the power system to test, and automatically perform the test according to the set test rate, or constant load, maximum load setting, displacement setting, etc.) In the display system, the sensor detects the force and movement values, and transmits the signal to the display system Amp and the computer system, and displays the load, displacement, stress/strain and other related data on the screen.

14. After the specimen is damaged or reaches the set value, the test will automatically stop, and the computer screen will automatically display the test result (force value, displacement value)

15. If you need to continue the test, after the test data results are stored or printed out, the test conditions are reset and the test conditions are reset, and the above actions are repeated to test.

16. After the test is over, print the required data report.

17. After the test is over, follow the sequence of test machineprintercomputer.

18. After the test, a special dust cover should be put on.

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