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Constant temperature and humidity test chamber humidification and dehumidification operation method

Date: Apr 14,2021 Views: 367

In order to test the conditions, that is, the test condition of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber is completed. The test condition is the dehumidifier of the constant temperature and constant temperature chamber, the humidifier and the laboratory test are inevitable. The following temperature and humidity tests are some methods of the old-fashioned incubator operation. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

The constant humidity test of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber shows that the humidity of many equipment is for itself, and in most cases, it is described by relative humidity.

The humidification process of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber is actually to increase the pressure of the water. Spraying water on the wall of the test chamber is the original method of humidification. Controlling the temperature of the water makes the saturation pressure of the surface under control. The surface of the constant temperature and humidity test chamber will form a large amount of surface diffusion of the water tank wall. Thank you for adding water vapor pressure to increase the relative humidity. This method is a long time ago.

The constant temperature and humidity test chamber will develop from constant humidity to alternating humidity with the damp heat test. It requires a faster humidification response ability. When spray humidification can no longer meet the requirements, steam humidification and shallow water pan humidification methods have begun to be adopted in large numbers. development of.

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