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Effect of Edge Detection on the Release of Formaldehyde in Plywood by Climate Box Method

Date: Oct 12,2019 Views: 923
Formaldehyde release from plywood is mainly concentrated on the edge of the edge, and the surface is almost irrelevant. When the test piece is only closed on the surface, the amount of formaldehyde released is larger than that of the test piece without sealing treatment, and the formaldehyde emission of the surrounding closed test piece is the lowest.
This is mainly because:

First, the glue layer of the plywood is bare at the end of the side;

Second, the release of formaldehyde is through the gaps such as conduits and pits;

Third, the surface of the board is closed, which in turn increases the internal power of formaldehyde released from the periphery.

The area of the end face of the plywood increases with the increase of the thickness of the plate, so the amount of formaldehyde released will also increase. According to the Japanese standard J ISA590821999, the number of test pieces is determined based on the thickness of the sheet. As the thickness of the sheet increases, the number of test pieces required can be reduced. China's standards have no corresponding regulations.

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