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How to use high and low temperature alternating test chamber

Date: Jun 01,2021 Views: 286

1. First open the high and low temperature alternating test chamber to make the equipment in the standby state; select one of the test methods according to the operating mode of the sample test requirements. Now the test is GB2423.4 high and low temperature alternating test, so it is best to have related test standards and refer to the technical requirements on the standards.


2. Open the program setting-edit the new program, and give the test a name that is easy to remember, such as alternating test or product test, so that it can be used directly in the subsequent operation.


3. Set the corresponding temperature and humidity according to the requirements of GB2423.4. What you need to pay attention to is the tolerance between temperature and humidity. For example, humidity 45%-70% is a normal tolerance range; there is also a standby switch for each step, Set the switch according to your needs. There is also the temperature reaching time, for example, 1min to reach the temperature setting value and so on. After setting the temperature and humidity, click Next.


4. After setting the temperature and humidity and other parameters, set the cycle. The key point of the alternating damp heat cycle: the constant temperature of the sample needs to be stabilized before the cycle test; the cycle setting is based on the curve on the standard, according to the standard or test requirements Set the cycle time, such as two hours in the heating phase, three hours in the cooling phase, and one hour in the constant temperature phase (see the actual standard for details). After setting, select the cycle setting, such as the third step to the sixth step cycle ten times; save drop out.


5. After all the technical parameters of the high and low temperature alternating test are set, choose to exit and save or save the program.


6. Next time you need to do a test, open the high and low temperature alternating test chamber, select the program operation, you can see the pre-set GB2423.4 named operation program, which can be quickly run.


When setting the program, the high and low temperature alternating test chamber must pay attention to the standby switch at each step; if you dont understand, you can contact the HUANYI after-sales department for telephone guidance or corresponding training.

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