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Medical face masks - Requirements and test methods

Date: Mar 25,2020 Views: 600

Test specimens

Test specimens shall be cut from complete masks. A complete mask may be used in place of a cut

specimen, as long as the extremities are removed, the mask is laid flat and all layers are incorporated (in case of folded masks unfold the mask in order to test a surface as flat as possible). Each specimen shall be minimum 100 mm × 100 mm and shall include all layers of the mask in the order in which they are placed in the complete mask. The number of specimens that shall be tested is minimum 5, but can be greater and shall be increased if necessary to allow for an AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) of 4 %. All specimens tested shall be taken from representative areas to incorporate all/any variation in

construction. Unless otherwise specified, the testing shall be performed with the inside of the medical face mask in contact with the bacterial challenge.

Each test specimen shall be conditioned at (21 ± 5) °C and (85 ± 5) % relative humidity for a minimum of 4 h to bring them into equilibrium with atmosphere prior to testing


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