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Performance characteristics of hydrogen-related environment simulation cabin

Date: Mar 08,2024 Views: 142
Performance characteristics of hydrogen-related environment simulation cabin
The automotive hydrogen environment simulation chamber is a special environment simulation test chamber developed for hydrogen-related environment simulation test systems. It consists of a main environment simulation test chamber, a hydrogen pre-cooling system and an air pre-cooling system. Currently, under the agenda of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality", hydrogen energy with excellent electrical conversion performance has become the starting point for global energy transformation. Under this trend, the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle industry has achieved rapid development.
HUANYI Instruments Automotive Hydrogen Environment Simulation Chamber Technical Advantages:

1. Linear rapid temperature change test chamber -70℃~250℃, the rate is adjustable from 10~25℃/min;
2. Uniformity of 1.5℃ can be achieved in the full range of -80℃ ~200℃, and uniformity of 1.0℃ can be achieved in the range of -40℃ ~150℃;
3. Realized dynamic large-load constant temperature and humidity technology and special humidity problems (research algorithm);
(For example: -20℃ 85%RH; 50℃ 5%RH; 25℃ 95%RH; 20℃ 20%RH; ultra-low humidity below 5%RH);
4. The temperature range can be customized;
5. The volume range can be customized;
6. Solve the problem of three controls (humidity control, temperature control, concentration control) of the dust test chamber;
7. Meet all test conditions of salt spray test chamber (Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo, Ford standards);
8. Hydrogen-related sealed analysis chambers for fuel cell reactors and vehicles (leakage, explosion venting, permeability);
9. New energy vehicle test emergency automatic tow (take off) vehicle system (actual combat);
10. The double-layer box realizes fully automatic control technology and one-to-two compressor technology.

Related test standards:

T/CSAE 123-2019 Hydrogen leakage and emission test methods and safety requirements in confined spaces of fuel cell electric vehicles;
GB/T 3634.1-2006 Hydrogen Part 1 Industrial hydrogen;
GB/T 3634.2-2011 Hydrogen Part 2: Pure hydrogen, high-purity hydrogen and ultra-pure hydrogen;
GB/T 29126 -2012 Fuel cell electric vehicle - Test method for on-board hydrogen system;
In the future, the use of automotive hydrogen environment simulation chambers will receive more and more attention in the research and development and production of hydrogen fuel cells. "HUANYI Instruments" will continue to innovate at a faster pace to help the development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

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