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Quick temperature change chamber humidity deviation solution

Date: Feb 24,2023 Views: 225

In our use of rapid temperature change chamber in the process, especially when the humidity deviation, the sudden problem let many customers at a loss. In fact, humidity deviation is also a common phenomenon. There are many factors that cause humidity deviation.

In the humidity and heat test of rapid temperature change chamber equipment, the actual humidity and the target humidity difference is larger, the value is much lower. It may be the deviation caused by dry gauze on the wet bulb sensor. At this time, it is necessary to check the water level of the water tank of the wet bulb sensor. The water level is automatically controlled by the controller. Check whether the water supply system of the water level controller supplies water properly and whether the water level controller works properly. Moreover, it is to see whether the wet bulb gauze is used for a long time or the water purity is not up to the standard, so that the gauze hardens, resulting in the gauze can not absorb water, the phenomenon only replace or clean the gauze. These are due to the humidification system does not work, resulting in a large difference between the actual humidity and the target humidity. In this case, it is necessary to check the water supply system of the humidification system, whether the water supply system has reached the specified water level, and check whether the control of the humidifier water level is normal. If everything is normal, it is necessary to check the electrical control system. This leaves it to a professional to repair.

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