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Reasons for over-temperature alarm in the high and low temperature test chamber

Date: Jan 12,2021 Views: 469

The high and low temperature test chamber sample area sensor and channel are equipped with an over-temperature maintenance device, and an over-temperature maintenance device is installed on the operation panel. When the temperature in the experimental area exceeds the allowable temperature set on the panel, the professional type will stop and alarm. Solution: It is necessary to set the over-temperature maintenance switch to 180°C before the equipment can work samples over-temperature maintenance alarm.

The first alarm shows REF ERR1. This is compressor 1 over-current maintenance. At this time, the condenser should be cleaned up or the leakage of refrigerant should be severely dealt with, and the manufacturer should respond in time.

The second alarm is REF ERR2. This is the over-current maintenance of compressor 2. At this time, the condenser should be cleaned up or the leakage of refrigerant must be severed. It is necessary to respond to the manufacturer in time. high and low temperature test chamber

The third alarm shows that the water tank of the WATER RPE is short of water and the pump is broken. Here you need to check whether the water tank is short of water. If so, please make up the water volume (above 2/3, 10L or more, or replace the pump.

The fourth alarm is NO POWER. high and low temperature test chamber

When choosing the brand of high and low temperature experiment box, the three aspects of control system, safety maintenance and box structure are the places to pay attention to.

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