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Regulations of normative standards for high and low temperature environment test chambers

Date: Dec 21,2021 Views: 305

                 -Dongguan Huanyi Instrument Technology Co., Ltd.

Product name: high and low temperature environment test chamber, high and low temperature alternating damp heat experiment chamber

A. Technical requirements

1. The sampling environment chamber can meet the requirements of the sampling environment conditions of this requirement at least within the space range of no more than 0.5m from the outer surface of the vehicle under inspection, and be maintained during the entire sampling process.

2. The sampling environment chamber has a complete enclosure structure. The inner surface of the chamber is made of low-release, low-permeability, and low-adsorption materials. Avoid placing materials and facilities that volatilize and affect the background concentration of environmental pollutants in the chamber. The space in the chamber is sufficient to accommodate the inspected vehicle, which is convenient for personnel to test and sample the inspected vehicle.

3. The sampling environment chamber should take technical measures to reduce the impact of airflow on the air exchange inside and outside the vehicle compartment under inspection.

4. The main chamber is equipped with a main door and an auxiliary door. The main door can ensure the normal entry and exit of the vehicle under inspection and cannot be opened during the entire sampling process; the auxiliary door is for safe entry and exit of personnel. During the entire sampling process, when the auxiliary door is opened, it can be ensured that the sampling environment requirements specified in this technical requirement can be met at least within a space within 0.5 m from the outer surface of the vehicle under inspection.

5. The control accuracy of the air-conditioning system at 25°C is ≤±0.1°C; the control accuracy at the relative humidity of 50% is ≤±10%. There are no less than 2 temperature and humidity monitoring points in the chamber, at least one of which is located within a space within 0.5m from the outer surface of the vehicle under inspection.

6. The sampling environment chamber should adopt online monitoring facilities to continuously monitor the environmental conditions specified in this technical requirement in the chamber air. The online monitoring facility has a data storage function, and the environmental pollutant monitoring instrument can use online mass spectrometry, hydrogen flame ionization detector gas chromatography and other devices to monitor volatile organic components. The location of the monitoring point should be a space within 0.5m from the outer surface of the vehicle under inspection, and the height should be equivalent to the location of the sampling point inside the vehicle.

B. Composition

1. The sampling environment chamber is generally composed of a main chamber and an air conditioning system.

2. The manufacturer of the sampling environment chamber should provide the price of high-quality products that can meet the above technical requirements and the factory environment conditions that need to be equipped by the user.

C. Documents organized by Dongguan Huanyi Instrument Technology Co., Ltd.

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