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The importance of the tightness of the high and low temperature and low pressure test chamber

Date: Dec 21,2021 Views: 304

                 -Dongguan Huanyi Instrument Technology Co., Ltd.

Product name: The high-low temperature and low-pressure test chamber

A. The high-low temperature and low-pressure test chamber provides the environment required for the test in a closed cavity. A gate will be installed on the test chamber for taking samples. The test chamber will also be equipped with lead holes, for the power supply or test line for the test product to enter and exit the test chamber. If the sealing effect of the test chamber is not good, there will be a series of consequences. The bad sealing of the high-low temperature and low-pressure test chamber will have serious consequences. Let me talk about it below:

1. The cooling rate of the test chamber will slow down;

2. The evaporator is frosted, and the extreme low temperature cannot reach;

3. The limit humidity is reached;

4. Dripping water at high temperature and high humidity will increase water consumption.

Manufacturer: Dongguan Huanyi Instrument

Through the testing and debugging of the engineering department of the test chamber instrument, it is found that as long as we pay attention to the following points, the above situation can be avoided:

1) When maintaining the equipment, check the sealing condition of the door sealing strip, check whether the sealing strip of the door is broken or missing, and whether there is no tight seal (cut into 20~30mm paper strips with A4 paper, and place it on the door at the sealing strip, close the door and pull it out with great effort to qualify).

2) Before making the test chamber, check that there is no foreign matter at the sealing strip of the gate, and do not lead the power cord or test line out of the gate;

3) Confirm that the door of the test chamber is closed at the beginning of the test;

4) It is forbidden to open and close the door during the test;

5) Regardless of whether there is a power cord/test line, the lead hole should be sealed with the silicone plug provided by the manufacturer, and confirm that it is completely sealed.

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