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Requirements of formaldehyde sampling cabin for gas detection in automobile interior space

Date: Dec 22,2021 Views: 278

A. Principles of Gas in the Interior Space of a Formaldehyde Sampling Chamber

The four sides of the car will be heated by infrared rays. After the temperature rises, the radiation in the interior space of the car intensifies. On the one hand, it is convenient for chemical analysis, and on the other hand, it is highly repetitive.

Infrared radiation is chosen because it does not require special protection measures and the equipment required is easier to purchase. For example, infrared radiation is also used to harden paint.

The heating of the car body is an indirect process. It is impossible for the car body to be heated by direct radiation, because infrared rays will not work on the glass. The surface of the glass is heated, but only a small part of the heat is transferred to the internal space, causing the entire system to become unresponsive. However, infrared instruments are inexpensive and easy to operate, which is an important point that cannot be ignored.

B. Requirements for the detection space of the formaldehyde sampling cabin

The detection space should be enough for two cars. When one of the cars is being tested, the other car can be prepared for testing. In addition, the space should be large enough to dissipate the heat emitted by the infrared instrument when it is working. The danger of fire must be eliminated.

There must be no special smell in the detection space. Motor vehicle assembly workshops or paint studios and similar places cannot be used for this test.

C. Infrared equipment and its requirements

Four infrared instruments, each with a power of 3.3 kilowatts. The size of the irradiation plate is 100 cm x 80 cm. The instrument is controlled by a thermocouple. The car can be protected by setting the maximum object temperature.


Four infrared instruments will be placed on all sides of the car. The instrument is 50 cm away from the body. The illuminated surface should be parallel to the car glass surface. Please refer to the following diagram for this requirement.


Figure 1: The instrument and the body should be placed as shown in the figure

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