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The sealing problem of high and low temperature test chamber is analyzed

Date: Apr 11,2023 Views: 221

High and low temperature detection test chamber because of high temperature detection, low temperature detection, high and low temperature circulation system detection, high and low temperature high humidity and other experimental standards, under high temperature standards, such as doing 150high temperature and 98% ambient humidity conditions, the pressure difference between inside and outside the laboratory greatly expanded, at the moment to hone the test chamber tightness to do what the problem. If the tightness is not very good, it will cause more serious steam leakage, harm the precision and symmetry of temperature.


So what are the reasons for the tightness problem of the high and low temperature detection test chamber?


First, high and low temperature detection test chamber generally has cable holes, air exchange vent holes, the design scheme is to pay great attention to, strict, if the design scheme, production and manufacturing is not scientific, resulting in too much gap, it will make the test chamber sealing is not good. This kind of punching personal studio should also remember that the plug is suitable for the specifications of the bottle plug, rubber plug, etc., to ensure that the sealing of the punching place is intact.


Two, high and low temperature detection test chamber door sealing rubber strip problem. We usually ignore this problem, think that the sealing rubber strip plus comes, and under the inhibition of the door hinge, it should be very airtight, but because of the aging of the silicone rubber seal strip, the selection of hard flexibility is not scientific, the sealing rubber strip fixed method is not the same and often cause steam leakage. Naturally, it is simple to deal with, often check its tightness, and find that the sealing rubber strip aging must be replaced as soon as possible.


Three, because the high and low temperature detection test chamber is generally larger volume, the tail door specification is also expanded, the net weight is particularly large, long-term load leads to the vertical bearing of the door hinge, resulting in deviation and the tail door shift off is not tight. This kind of problem is generally according to the modification of high load door hinges, lifting the total number of door hinges.

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