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VOC emission test box sampling time and process

Date: Oct 21,2020 Views: 478

(1) VOC emission test box Sampling time In principle, air sampling shall be carried out on the first day (24h), 3 days (72h), 7 days, (14 ±1) days and (28 ± 2) days after the start of the test, and other designated times are also Air sampling is possible.

Note 1: The choice of test process is based on the test purpose

2: If the release decay study is conducted, sampling can still be continued 28 days after the start of the test. Note

3: If the test concentration is lower than the limit of quantification, the test can be ended


(2) VOC emission test box Air sampling

Sampling can be performed after the temperature and relative humidity in the climate chamber are stable.


(3) VOC emission test box Sampling of formaldehyde

Sampling of formaldehyde in the air at the outlet of the climate chamber shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations of GB/T17657 formaldehyde adoption standard.


(4) VOC emission test box VoC sampling

Connect the constant flow sampler to the TenaxTA adsorption tube, and connect the sampling end of the adsorption tube to the sampling day of the climate chamber, and use the constant flow sampler to collect Voc in the air at the outlet of the climate chamber. The sampling flow rate and sampling time are determined according to the voc concentration in the box.

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