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Waterborne coatings Test the VOC content through the VOC release environment chamber, what are the conditions for columns?

Date: Apr 14,2022 Views: 264

Water-based coatings are in the test Voc release, and the columns need to have two conditions, and the equipment used is the VOC release environment chamber. Here we know what conditions require the column in the test.


Water-based paint VOC release test equipment: VOC release environment chamber/VOC release climate chamber

Equipment model: HYV-1000

Equipment manufacturer: Huanyi Instrument


Condition 1:

Columns (basic columns): 6% apropion phenyl / 94% dimethyl polysiloxane capillary column 60m * 0.32mm * 1.0um

Carrying gas species: nitrogen (N2)

Postal pressure: 64 kPa (9 psi constant voltage mode)

Column flow: 0.77 ml/min

Inlet temperature: 250°C

Split ratio: split injection, 1.0 uL, 40:1

Detector temperature: flame ionization detector (FID), 260°C

Column oven temperature program: Initial temperature: 100°C for 1 min, 20°C/min to 260°C for 20 min


Condition 2:

Column (confirmation column): Polyvinyl alcohol (WAX) capillary column 30 m * 0.25 mm * 0.25 μm

Carrying gas species: nitrogen (N2)

Postal pressure: 43 kPa (6 psi constant pressure mode)

Column flow rate: 0.34 mL/min

Injector temperature: 240°C

Split ratio: split injection, 1.0uL, 40:1

Detector temperature: flame ionization detector (FID), 250°C

Column oven temperature program: Initial temperature: 60°C for 1min, 20°C/min to 240°C for 20min


The above is a water-based coating through the VOC release environment chamber test VOC content, what are the conditions of the column?

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