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Test method for measuring the VOC release of man-made panels with a VOC environmental test chamber

Date: Apr 18,2022 Views: 277

Test method for measuring the VOC release of man-made panels with a VOC environmental test chamber:


1. Determination of Background Mass Concentration

Before each new test, an air sampling analysis of the VOC environmental test chamber air was performed to ensure that the background VOC in the climate chamber did not affect the test. The background mass concentration test should be carried out within 1 h after the establishment of the test conditions.


2. Sample placement

Assemble the sampling tube, conduct air sampling at the (72+2) h after starting the test, use the calibrator to measure the sampling flow rate, turn on the sampling pump, observe and record the flow rate, the suitable flow rate range is 100~200 m/min, and the sampling flow rate should be lower than 80% of the gas flow rate in the chamber.


Connect the adsorption tube to the air outlet or sampling port of the VOC environmental test chamber, and record the connection time, the temperature in the chamber, the gas pressure, and the sampling flow rate. Turn off the sampling pump, remove the adsorption tube from the sampling tube, seal the mouth of the adsorption tube with a sealing cap, and wrap the tube tightly with tin foil or aluminum foil.


NOTE: The background mass concentration of VOCs should be sufficiently controlled to avoid contamination of the test samples. To minimize sample contamination, use well-ventilated racks or storage cabinets.


3. Determination

Install the adsorption tube on the thermal desorption instrument, and the airflow direction is opposite to the direction during sampling. The volatile components are desorbed from the adsorbent by heating, and are brought into the cold trap by the carrier gas for pre-concentration; then, the secondary thermal desorption is carried out, and the transfer line enters the capillary gas chromatograph. The transfer line temperature is close to the desorption temperature to prevent condensation of the analyte.


The above is the test method for measuring the VOC emission of man-made boards with a VOC environmental test chamber.

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