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You are here: Home > Technical Literature > What supporting equipment are included in the air disinfectant microbial aerosol chamber test?

What supporting equipment are included in the air disinfectant microbial aerosol chamber test?

Date: Mar 29,2022 Views: 293

Air disinfectants are used for disinfection tests, and the main equipment used is a microbial aerosol chamber. However, it is impossible to complete the experiment with only one equipment. It needs to be matched with a variety of equipment. Let's take a look at what equipment is available.


Main equipment of microbial aerosol chamber:

Test equipment: 1m, 20m~30m microbial aerosol chamber

Equipment model: HYKJ

Equipment manufacturer: Huanyi Instrument


Microbial aerosol chamber supporting equipment:

1. Test temperature: thermometer

2. Test the wind speed: air volume hood anemometer

3. Test ozone: ozone tester

4. Test relative humidity: hygrometer

5. Test flow: atmospheric sampling only (constant flow pump)

6. Laser particle counter (particle size distribution) individual dust meter

7. Test gas concentration: spectrophotometer, gas phase hue

8. Test microorganisms: impact air microorganism sampler (level six)

9. Test pressure: atmospheric pressure gauge, inclined micro pressure gauge, compensation type micro pressure gauge (digital micro pressure gauge)


Test methods: neutralizer test for liquid impact sampling method, neutralizer test for six-stage mesh air impact sampler method

Among them, the neutralizer test of the liquid impact sampling method uses a 1 cubic meter microbial aerosol chamber, and the neutralizer test of the six-stage mesh air impact sampler method uses a 20-30m microbial aerosol chamber.

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