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What work should be done to suspend the use of cold and hot impact test chamber?

Date: Apr 19,2023 Views: 300

Some users in the purchase of cold and hot impact test chamber, may be due to some reasons and need to do not use the equipment for a period of time, intend to seal the equipment. So after the use of the equipment, not as long as the power can be unplugged, but need to carry out some maintenance work, can seal the equipment.


First, cold and hot impact test chamber to seal the device the first thing to do is unplug it, but take care to keep it safe. After the hot and cold impact test box box cleaning. Take out the sample in the box, and clean the inside of the studio, and let it dry.


Secondly, the case is to see the seal on the door to wipe clean, to smear talcum powder on the seal and pad a thin paper in the contact of the door, this is because the seal is made of rubber, long time contact may appear the phenomenon of bonding.


At the end of the cold and hot impact test box, the button of the temperature controller should be adjusted to the closed state, which can make the spring of the controller in a relaxed state, which can improve the service life. Then after finishing this step, to open the door of the equipment, ventilation, as far as possible for 2 days.


So the above is the hot and cold impact test box in the suspension of the need to do the preparatory work, then after doing these work, you can put the equipment sealed. But there is one point that needs to be noted, is not to use a plastic cover to cover the equipment, this is not acceptable, and do not place heavy objects on the equipment, so as not to crush the equipment.

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