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You are here: Home > Technical Literature > Why does the constant temperature and humidity test chamber trip when it starts?

Why does the constant temperature and humidity test chamber trip when it starts?

Date: Sep 15,2019 Views: 784

1. If such a thing occurs, check the equipment first, set the high temperature (40 degrees Celsius or 60 degrees Celsius), set the ambient humidity to 0, click on the operation, and see if the equipment will jump, or the heat pipe is shorted. The fault causes electric shock, and the constant temperature and humidity test chamber will generate a power jump condition in various aspects of maintenance. If the heating tube is short-circuited, just change the heating tube, the actual operation is relatively simple.

2. If the operating temperature does not trip, set the ambient humidity, then click again to see if the constant temperature and humidity test chamber is tripping. If the trip occurs, the humidifier tube is short-circuited and powered. If this happens, simply unscrew the side panel screws on our equipment and take out the partition. You will see a humidifier barrel, and the two lines on the upper side will be removed, and the six inside the cover will be removed. Remove the hexagonal bolt and replace the humidifier tube. At the time of installation, the temperature sensor camera must be associated with the humidifier tube to avoid air burning and overheating maintenance.


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