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How to choose a suitable small-volume zero-discharge SHED test chamber?

Date: Mar 11,2024 Views: 83

How to choose a suitable small-volume zero-discharge SHED test chamber?


Before the product is tested in a small-volume SHED closed test chamber, we need to make a good product selection. So, how to make a good product selection? Lets take a look below.

According to the testing process of the relevant tests, each test takes 3 days. In other words, one sample needs to occupy a SHED for at least 3 days to get the results. Usually, there are 3 test samples for one component, which means that one Taiwan's SHED can only test 30 to 39 components a year. If equipment maintenance is also taken into consideration and a sample of some components needs to be tested more than once, then the testing capacity is only 15 to 20 components.

When selecting SHED technical parameters, you should follow the principle that "the smaller the box size, the better if the component to be tested can be placed." Small-volume SHED test chambers are often used for testing medium-sized components, such as automobile fuel tanks, etc. The volume is generally 1 to 3 cubic meters.

The selection of small volume SHED closed test chamber can refer to the following parameters:

 Technical parameters:




HUANYI instruments

Volume inside the box

(1.0+0.02) m³


1200x1500x1550mm (length x width x height)

Adjustable range of temperature inside the test cabin


Internal relative humidity adjustable range


Air flow rate inside the box

(0.1-0.3) m/s

Air replacement rate

(0.2-3) m³/h


When there is an overpressure of 1000P8, the gas leakage is less than 10-3x1m³/min, and the gas flow difference between the inlet and outlet is less than 1%

Background concentration in the test chamber

Toxic acid 0.006mg/m³


Climate chamber walls and doors should have effective thermal insulation


The noise when the climate box is working 60dB

Continuous working time

The climate chamber has a continuous working time of 28 days

Monitoring parameters

Monitor and display the temperature and humidity in the cabin, air supply and exhaust volume, power on and off time, working time, data can be transferred and stored

Humidity control method

The dew point control method is used to control the relative humidity of the working cabin. The humidity is stable, the fluctuation amplitude is <3%.rh, and no water droplets will be produced on the bulkhead.


If you have any questions about the selection of small-volume SHED closed test chambers, you can consult the relevant technical personnel of "Environmental Instruments".

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