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Tensile strength test steps of school basketball court material tensile testing machine

Date: Mar 12,2024 Views: 95
Tensile strength test steps of school basketball court material tensile testing machine

According to the requirements of "3.14" tensile strength test in the standard "GB/T 43565-2023 Primary and Secondary Schools Synthetic Material Surface Basketball Courts", this test requires the use of a basketball court material tensile elongation testing machine. Next, let's take a look How to do this test.
Tensile strength test of basketball court materials:
Test equipment: HUANYI environmental instrument, basketball court material tensile elongation testing machine
Sample quantity: 5
Sample treatment: (23±2)℃, relative humidity is (50±5)% or (27±2)℃, relative humidity is (65±5)% debugging for 16 hours.
Specific steps:
After sample processing, measure the thickness of the material at five evenly distributed points on the cut test piece part or measure the thickness at two points on each sample cut part. These dimensions should be measured according to HG/T3054, and the dimensions The difference between them should not be greater than ±2%.
Cut the test piece and mark the gauge distance with Saijo marking lines. The marking card of the marking line should have two parallel boundary marking lines. The distance between the two marking lines is at least 25 mm and at most 50 mm. The measurement is accurate to ±1%.
Place the specimen in the holder of the testing machine and carefully adjust it to a symmetrical position so that the tensile force is evenly distributed over the cross-section of the specimen. Turn on the machine and record the maximum force when the test piece breaks (accurate to ±1%) and the distance between the inside of the two marking lines (accurate to ±1.25 mm). Remove the broken Takeno outside the marking line and continue the test until five Sufficient material should be provided to ensure repeated testing until satisfactory results are obtained.
This test should be carried out under the same temperature and humidity conditions as the conditioning of the test material.
Calculation: Expressed in Mpa: F/A, F is the maximum tensile force, and A is the average initial cross-sectional area.

The above is the tensile strength test of basketball court materials. If you have any questions, you can consult the technicians of "Environment Instrument" at any time.

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