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Salt spray test machine failure cause reference

Date: Sep 20,2019 Views: 798

1, test equipment

Salt spray test machine


2. Purpose of the test

The salt spray tester tests the accelerated salt spray corrosion test on protective layers, parts, electronic components and industrial products of metal materials.


3. Reasons for possible equipment failure

Due to the long-term simulated salt spray aging test of the salt spray test machine, it may be caused by factors such as the surrounding environment and the long use time of the test equipment.


4, fault situation reference

1. Test machine temperature controller temperature, set too low;

2. The test machine safety protection switch setting is too low;

3. Heating system failure;

4. Electromagnetic relay failure;

5. Controller failure.



1. Set the temperature controller to the desired temperature;

2. Set the safety switch to the desired temperature;

3. Call the ring instrument to provide professional knowledge.


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