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Storage and working tests on high altitude hypobaric chambers

Date: Nov 17,2022 Views: 269

When studying some physical phenomena in a plateau environment, a low pressure plateau environment needs to be provided, therefore, the High Altitude Low Pressure Chamber is suitable for testing in a plateau environment. Before using the High Altitude Hypobaric Chamber for testing, all specimens are tested under standard atmospheric conditions to obtain baseline data.


Test equipment: High Altitude Hypobaric Chamber


Equipment model: HYLA-2000


Product design: Huan Yi instrument


Procedure 1: Storage/air transport

High altitude low air pressure test chamber


The steps are as follows:


1. Make the test piece in storage or transport technical state, adjust the air pressure inside the test chamber according to the rate of change of altitude specified in the technical documents, so that it reaches the pressure corresponding to the required test altitude;


2. maintain the pressure in "1" for at least lh, unless otherwise specified in the technical documentation;


3. adjust the air pressure in the test chamber to return to the standard atmospheric pressure at the rate of change in height specified in the technical documentation;


4. visually inspect the test piece, test the working performance and record the test results.



Procedure 2: Work/machine out


The steps are as follows:


1. put the specimen in working condition and adjust the air pressure in the test chamber to the required working height according to the rate of change of height specified in the technical documentation;


2. test the working performance of the test piece according to the requirements specified in the technical documents and record the test results;


3. adjust the air pressure in the test chamber to the standard atmospheric pressure according to the rate of change in height specified in the technical documentation;


4. visually inspect the test piece, test the working performance and record the test results.

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